
Our company’s sole focus is on high impact Auction Fundraising for 501 (c) (3) charitable organizations. For over 35 years, our benefit, charity and fundraising auctioneer experience has raised millions of dollars through live events.

Live auctions that are prepared and executed properly will raise serious money! By using David Goodman as your fundraising consultant and auctioneer, he will effectively guide you through the process to help your charitable organization achieve your goals. David Goodman, the professional benefit charity auctioneer, will connect with your audience and create an engaging, moving experience. He is a passionate benefit auctioneer who will apply his proven techniques to help take your event to the next level! 

Please contact us by filling out the form below and we will be delighted to speak with you regarding your organization's unique fundraising needs!

Benefit Auctioneer
Fundraising Auctioneer